Commisioning Design Engineering

Environment & Sustainability policy

Environment & Sustainability policy

The overall environmental objective of Commissioning Design Engineering AB is to contribute to a long-term sustainable development by offering our customers services and products that are produced,transported and finally disposed with the least possible environmental impact and to carry out continuous improvement work on environmental issues.


This means that we must increase knowledge and raise awareness of environmental issues among all employees and give them the opportunity to consider environmental aspects in their tasks to ensure that we conduct our business in an environmentally correct way by applying environmental principles, improving resource utilization, preventing pollution and comply with applicable environmental laws.


Our Environment & Sustainability Policy includes:

• To the extent that trips can be avoided in favor of video or telephone conferencing, these options should be selected.

• As far as possible, avoid travel by air and car (fossil fuels) in favor of trains or more energy- and environmentally adapted travel alternatives.

• When purchasing offices or facilities,always consider the environmental aspect. Examples include transport, choice of materials, recycling possibilities, energy consumption, etc.

• For consumables, the availability and recycling possibilities must be taken into account. As an example, unbleached paper can be utilized, the use of printouts of documents on paper is minimized,waste is sorted at source etc.

• When scrapping equipment, actively contributing to the inclusion of source material for reuse.

• When we see that a technical solution proposed by a customer in a plant can be improved with regard to environmental impact, we must make him aware of this.

When our clients have a developed policy for environmental and sustainability, we shall as far as possible adhere to this. However, one requirement is that our own policy is always met in order to achieve our own environmental goals.


The foundations of CDE

Work Environment

Commissioning Design Engineering AB Environment & Sustainability Policy.

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Environment & Sustainability Policy

Commissioning Design Engineering AB Work Environment Policy.

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Commissioning Design Engineering AB Quality Policy.

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