Commisioning Design Engineering

Work environment

Work environment

The aim of Commissioning Design Engineering's Work Environment Policy is to create a physically, mentally and socially healthy and developing workplace for all employees, where risks of work injuries and work-related injuries are prevented. Legislation and party agreements are minimum requirements, but it is in the company's interest to maintain a higher standard than this. The work environment plan will be partly carried out as a natural part in the daily work, not only as a systematic work where we make regular evaluations of the work environment but also implement and follow up on decided measures. Great emphasis is placed on preventive work environment work,which must be done in close cooperation between employees and management.

The company's operations include work where health risks related to electrical safety are found. The risks that exist then require that specific knowledge is found within the company and its employees to ensure that measures are taken to avoid an accident in the workplace and that delivered equipment meets the authorities' requirements for electrical safety.

The company has the ultimate responsibility for the work environment, but every employee also has a responsibility to work and contribute to a good work environment and a business environment. Knowing motivation for their work is fundamental to a good work environment and health. Everyone, regardless of their duties, should be given the opportunity for both influence and development as well as for cooperation and social contacts. Furthermore, the company should be characterized by a leadership that encourages health and safety in everything we do. Through active wellness work, employees should be stimulated and create the right conditions to take their health responsibility.

Our Work Environment Policy includes:

·        Employees are given the conditions to know the goals and the visions of the business and understand their role and the importance of their own work

·        Employees are given the conditions to feel responsible for their task and to have the necessary authorization.

·        Employees are given the opportunity to develop their skills and take their health responsibility

·        Employees are trained within electrical safety issues, including personal responsibility for risk assessments, safe working methodology and equipment when working in power plants.

Reporting of incidents is important and should be rewarded as an important part of preventive safety work.

When our clients have an elaborated policy for the working environment, we shall as far as possible adhere to it, however our own policy needs always to be fulfilled in order not to risk a deteriorating work environment for our employees.


The foundations of CDE

Work Environment

Commissioning Design Engineering AB Environment & Sustainability Policy.

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Environment & Sustainability Policy

Commissioning Design Engineering AB Work Environment Policy.

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